Monday, April 18, 2016

Baby Blog #2

Baby Blog #2 – December 6, 2011

Goodbye second trimester, hello home stretch!

First, let me apologize for being so quiet in the blog world over the last while. I have been very busy with my practicum and when it comes down to sleeping or writing a blog, I've been choosing to sleep.

Tonight I decided it's time to fill you all in on how the last few months have been.  Let me tell you, I am so happy to have made it to the 3rd trimester- the end is in sight! My husband and I are both so excited to meet this little person and it's really hard to believe that in just 11 short weeks we will finally get to hold our little creation.

My second trimester was a much better experience than the first. I literally woke up one day and didn't feel sick. I gradually got my energy back and started to feel human again. And the best part, I stopped resenting being pregnant (which only happened because I felt so sick every day). In fact, I started to embrace my "bump" and really enjoy this crazy experience.

I remember the first morning that I felt the baby move. My husband was away on course but I called him while I was walking to school and told him all about it. And I loved the excitement in his voice that morning. I think that day was when the pregnancy finally started to feel real to us both. Since then, we've been having fun playing with the belly and trying to get the baby to interact with us a bit. I find myself laying down and just keeping my hands on my belly, trying to feel something. And I usually get some kind of response but the baby already has a mind of its own and plays tricks on us. It'll give me a few good kicks in a row and I'll call my husband over to feel it and the second he puts his hand on my belly the baby stops. Then starts again as soon as he moves. We've definitely got a silly baby already!

One of my biggest fears throughout this whole pregnancy so far was gaining too much weight. I know I'm supposed to gain some but I really didn't want to put on so much that it ends up being too hard to loose it all afterwards. But I'm happy to say that, due to some really awesome willpower that I didn't even know I had, I've avoided most cravings (I give in once every couple of weeks though) and haven't put on a whole lot (I think I'm up 21 lbs in 28 weeks). I've been able to keep wearing a lot of my pre-preggo shirts and pants too, which I'm pretty happy about too. I know that's all going to change over the coming weeks but for now I will continue to be proud of myself for it.

I think the best part of the second trimester has been the fact that I have really felt like myself again- just a bigger version! Before I got pregnant, I was able to shake things off pretty easily and for the first few months of pregnancy every negative comment really drove me crazy and I stewed over things for a long time. Now, things still bother me a bit but I am able to shake things off again and control my emotions again. I'm happier than I have been in a long time. And I finally felt the real excitement that I'm supposed to feel with pregnancy.

As much as I am enjoying this experience though, I am ready for it to come to an end soon. Nine months is a very long time to have to wait to meet a person you've wanted to meet your whole life. But while I wait for the next 11 weeks to be over, I will enjoy the quiet of my home and the last time it'll just be me and my husband alone, just the two of us.

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