Monday, April 18, 2016

Where it all first post.

A Military Wife – 04/04/2011

When I was 22 years old I created a profile on an online dating site. I wasn't sure what I was looking for but I thought I'd give it a try. I read a lot of profiles that sounded interesting but kept going back to this one guy. He was everything I didn't want- older, divorced, and military. But the words he wrote stayed with me, and after a few days, I emailed him. That one email let to online chats which led to phone calls which led to a face-to-face meeting. And the second I met him, I was in love and knew I wanted to marry him. Now, four years later, we are happily married and more in love than ever.
Before we met, I knew I was a strong woman. I have had a lot of challenges come up in my life and have managed to get through them all, with ,well, a few complaints. But I always got through it all and took positive life lessons from everything. I didn't realize, however, that the biggest challenge of my life would be what I am going through now.

Three weeks after my husband and I were engaged, he deployed for a six month tour of Afghanistan. Saying goodbye to him was the single, hardest thing I have ever done. Over those six months I cried, I laughed, I relied on my parents and grandmother and I got through it. My husband and I wrote to each other in journals throughout his tour and it made the distance easier to bear.

Four days ago, my husband deployed again for another three month tour. It feels so different this time. Maybe because we're married now but I find myself worrying more about him each day.
When we were married 7 months ago, I chose to spend my life with  my best friend and soul mate. And I chose to join a huge group of women who have  the privilege of calling themselves military wives. I'm writing this blog because I hope that the stories I share, bad and good, can help other women like me find the strength they need to carry on at home, while their loved ones are fighting for our freedom.

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